How to add Subject Lines that get results
Email Subject lines...they're one measly line right? So why is it SO important?
Easy. This is your email broadcasts first impression. This is what they glimpse when they're scrolling through the endless emails they get daily and ultimately determines whether your email makes the cut or gets tossed to the trash (or worse, spam) folder.
Think about your own email inbox... how often do you mass delete emails because you just can't be bothered to open them. Why aren't you interested? Because they're BORING. Nothing about them inspires curiosity or makes you think, "I need to know what this says"!
By sending out bomb content and matching it with excellent subject lines, your email marketing will take off. Better yet your brand will become more recognized so that when your emails do come across, even if you had an off day and your subject line is weak, it STILL gets opened. Because they trust your brand and ultimately, you, that much.
Now how do we know if our subject lines are performing well? Ultimately you want to focus on your click-through-rate. This means they're actively reading and engaging with your email content. How did they get that far? They OPENED your email first because your subject line caught their eye/interest.
Another thing you'll want to make sure you're doing is split testing or a/b testing your subject lines. This means choosing two different subject lines and see which one performs better. Remember, evaluate click-through-rate, engagement rate or even conversions! These are way better metrics to determine how your email marketing is doing.
Alright now let's get down to breaking down the subject lines and what strategies work!
There are some simple focus points that your email subject lines can have and I'll cover some of those for you so you can work them in your email marketing asap!
Curiosity with Benefits - These subject lines leave just enough curiosity factor that have them wanting to know more. Something like... "How you can get 12 hours of work in an 8 hour work day"
The Cliffhanger - exactly what it implies, once again building some curiosity but not sharing the true goods unless they click on the email. This could be something like..."I have some good news, and some bad news..."
Branded sayings or processes - Do you have a specific product or phrase coined that your followers would recognize? This is something they might automatically see and be interested in if it's in the subject line.
The How-to - people want to know how to solve their problems. This is a great way to help increase your open rate by involving more how-to email subject lines.
Add some FOMO -sparingly - "Your private invite expires tomorrow". By enticing them with a deadline they feel like they might miss out and at least, you'll have them clicking through and reading what you've got to tell them. Putting seeds of thought into your readers minds so that your brand becomes a little bit more familiar.
Be Blunt AF - Sometime's people just get tired of all the "fluff". Being blunt will give you more cred than you think! So try some blunt email subject lines and a/b test them. See what ones play out better and save it for later!
Short and personable - "Hey (name), this is for you." A subject line with personalization is a lot more likely to be opened than by sending a generalized message.
Re-engagement - Let them know you miss them! Maybe this is when you send them a final discount and let the know that if they don't confirm their subscription you'll be removing them from your list. Remember, if you're sending emails out to your unengaged list, your email score goes down!
Looking for a swipe file with some go-to subject lines?
I got your back! Click here and save a copy to your drive so you always have something in your back pocket on those hard days!