
  • Beginner Email Workshop

    Ready to stop making excuses and finally start that email list that you know your business needs.

    A quick 30 minute workshop delivered straight to your inbox will break down:
    1. Who your ideal client is
    2. The service provider for you
    3. How to create your lead magnet
    4. Setting up your landing page and/or opt-ins
    5. What to do after your subscriber joins
    6. How to set up a welcome sequence

    Grab the training here!

  • Convert with Better Subject Lines

    Email open rates have to be on point otherwise your email contents aren’t going to hit their mark to serve your audience where they are in their journey.

    Download this PDF to access 60 subject lines to help you when you’re feeling uninspired.

  • Grow it.

    This is for you If....

    You're using all your brain power to get through the day and keep your families ish together.

    You've got 20 browser tabs open at once and figuring out your email marketing strategy makes you want to scream.

    I feel you and guess what, I got you covered....

    Because to tell you the truth... If you're sleeping on your email marketing you are leaving money on the table.

    Download it here to get started.